Mindful Mammas: northern beaches

Pregnancy, birth and new mum support on the northern beaches
Tania is a registered psychologist who works with families on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. She is a mother of 2 in her late 30’s and understands how difficult the whole transition into parenting gig can be. She uses evidence based psychological therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, Generative change-generative trance, Hypnobirthing techniques, and Neuroprotective Developmental Care practises. She comes from a trauma informed perspective and is a registered facilitator of Circle of Security Parenting.
Tania is a registered circle of security parenting facilitator. She runs groups for parents of kids between 4 months and 6 years. This is a parenting program will help parents to:
build connection with your children
help regulate your children’s difficult emotions
learn how to recognise your child’s needs
learn about what might motivate kids to get angry or sad and what to do
repair relationships when things get tough
Learn how kids might miscue what they want if they feel insecure
reflect on your own relationships and parenting styles
learn what impact different ways of interacting can have on kids of this age
Pregnancy and particularly birth can be a time for women to really come into their own power. However often women feel quite the opposite and there is a lot of anxiety and trauma associated with this time. Often this is due to feeling apprehension, or out of control or unprepared for birth. We want to work with you to help you feel prepared and help create a sense of calmness and even joy during this time. We use Mindfulness and hypnobirthing techniques to help women birth their babies with the power and calmness they need.
We offer support for:
- Therapy for apprehension or fear surrounding birth
- Pain management for pregnancy
- Hypnobirthing sessions for birth preparation
Early motherhood is all consuming. It can feel incredibly overwhelming. There is also a lot of conflicting information out there. As a result, it can be very confusing trying to figure out which decisions are right for you and your baby. It can feel nearly impossible to think about all this when you are operating on next to no sleep and trying to feed a hungry little mouth. We want to support your individual wants and needs and figure out what works for you, rather than giving a one size fits all model. We want to help you work with your babies own individual needs around sleeping, feeding and connecting as these can be very different for different babies. We want to help you reconnect mindfully with yourself and move forward with this new phase of life.
We offer support for:
- ACT therapy for the adjustment to motherhood
- ACT therapy for postnatal anxiety and depression
- Evidence based support for settling, breastfeeding, and sleeping issues (Neuroprotective Developmental Care).